Hi this is terbo1 I would just like the sorry to luckyrocks2 for what i did wrong and i know what i did was wrong can i please have one last try to put my back to mod Luckyrocks2 i shouldn't of treated you the way i did. My actions where very bad And i think your a good person and i know if i was angry like that i wouldn't talk to the person i'm angry with and i want to say i'm sorry. i want to be friends again and be with the staff again can i just have one jast try please. Being staff on blackscape means a lot of to me and i want to be apart of it. Can i have one last try please.
Terbo1 you say the most nasty things to lucky then try to get your mod back by faking saying sorry and after all that you said '' fuck this server and people on it'' something like that! personally myself i think blakescape would be better with out you and less arguments.also chiiana has clearly said you are iped banned for good and he is 3rd in charge and can make that choice ! I Am Proud To Be British
Message edited by randomz - Wednesday, 2008-11-26, 1:03 PM
here, i'll leave it up to lucky, if she doesn't accept your apology, you MIGHT be uniped from forums, but you will have to make a new account, and you will NOT get your staff back.... Co-Owner of blakescape
really? what do you think i am, a fucking menatally impared moron? you should be even begging to be allowed back here, to even be a member! but nope, you asked for your staff position back? that just proves your iggnorance. sadly, your an idiot, however i'm not. you were even in the first sentence in the apologie and requested your position back. theres no excuses, you were angry? oh really? that just proves your no way acceptable to be any type of staff. you aren't understanding, you can't spell for shit, and you offended me, and a lot of the other people here. you have some nerve. oh, you THINK i'm nice? i am. ask any one. honestly. i think if i let you be a member again, you'll just try to sliver your way back up. but, i'm making sure thats not happing. heres what i came to as my conclusion. 1. your allowed back as a member. 2. not staff, or any staff in the future. at all. 3. no warnings for any thing else you do, your out right away ip-ed from the forum, and the server. 4. if you ever, insult any one, for any reason, your out.
i suggest you learn manors, and comon sense before talking to any one. sorry to say, but we were never friends. and probably will never be. i tend to not associate with imbociles. and your goodbye "from your friend mod terbo.." holy shit, every thing is wrong with that. 1. your nto a mod, your an ex mod. 2. you'll never be one again. over my dead body. 3. i'm not your friend. i MIGHT forgive you later on, seeing how it is i usually tend to forgive and forget. but this situation is different. Im bi sexual. get over it. thanx randomz and chiia. ~Ashleigh.
theres a voice inside of you that whispers all day long, i know that this is right for me i know that this is wrong. no teacher preacher parent friend, or wise man can decide. whats right for you just listen to that voice that speaks inside. our dreams, and imagenations are an inexhaustable source of inspiration, that provides us with hapiness we seek. if the whole world went by "an eye for an eye" the world would be blind. i have more pics... lol and, any1 is allowed to see em. http://s100.photobucket.com/albums/m6/luckyshamrock_2006/
well the decision is made, and looks like you will be allowed back on the forums and server, but you will not have your staff position back. and i am with her all the way, you do it again your ip-ed from forums and server, be careful terbo, this is you FINAL CHANCE!!!!!
and i do not want you to make post after post to complain about this, you really offended one of the players of blakescape and made blakescape look like a bad server, so do not make posts to complaine.