Hi my name is Matthew and i would like to apply to Moderator. I should be Mod because i have much experience being all sorts of staffs’ will help this server by keeping it clean and make sure no one is autoing or no one is talking trash about other people. If i see any hackers i would ban them cause hacking is not part of the game. I got a lot of mail saying i should be mod because i know how to follow rules and i do not abuse my power or take advantage of it. I should be mod because I will help the server when owner is gone i will make sure no one is hacking and if i don't know you are i will get the owner on and tell him to check everything out. If i become mod i will make sure this server is great and make sure people have fun thank you owner. I CANT WAIT TO BECOME MODERATOR AND SHOW YOU MY SKILLS ON BEING ONE, THANK YOU HAVE A NICE DAY